We’re back on for in-person visits with Mom, thank goodness, but not yet mask-less.
Israel is in an enviable position with a large majority of its population now vaccinated against COVID-19. The number of severe cases are falling as is the infection rate. Bottom line, the vaccine works. But we’re oh, so cautious when it comes to changing our protective game plan. The Ministry of Health is still urging everyone to wear masks and refrain from close contact, even within families, while restaurants are busy and stores are reopening.
How should we proceed from here? And when can I have a normal face-to-face with Mom?
I just read an article by a friend that appeared in The Jerusalem Post in which he suggests that the way to get the recalcitrant remaining Israelis to vaccinate is not by offering food or booze (as was done in Tel Aviv!) but by normalizing our lives. You’ve got that green vaccination passport? Well, then, you’re ready to live again as easily and as normally as you once did. Take off that mask! Hug your friends! Attend a concert! You don’t have a green passport? Well, that sucks. You’ll be limited in what you can do out and about in society. (And, yes, I realize that the issue is more complicated than that vis-à-vis individual rights.)
For me personally, most of my friends are now vaccinated. I still wear a mask outside, but if I enter a friend’s house, I take it off. The grocery store? I keep it on. I don’t know who those people shopping with me are, and I want to protect myself from those who many not be vaccinated. A birthday party for my husband? Off. (We were blessed to have our nieces come in from Tel Aviv for a special birthday visit last week along with our immediate family and some close friends. It was a much needed and enjoyable birthday celebration with hugs all around.)
The only sphere where I still feel frustratingly distanced is in regards to visiting Mom. I understand that the Alzheimer’s care facility is responsible for many more people than just my mom, and that even those who have been vaccinated can become infected. But, please, let us interact. Take my temperature, test me with an on-the-spot virus testing kit. Do anything you want. I will comply willingly. I will even pay for the test. But let me generously and robustly hug my mom. It is so difficult to have her within arm’s reach and not close that aching space between us.
We are already in the middle of March. Passover is on the doorstep. Spring is springing. Let the renewal of our lives so evident calendrically and in nature touch all aspects of our day-to-day activities. Please.
Check out my latest one-minute video on the AlzAuthors YouTube channel!
When I ran out of mayonnaise this week, I thought, well, that’s fine. I have to buy kosher for Passover mayonnaise anyway. One less bottle to clean out of my fridge. Then my niece Eliana told me how easy it is to make your own. And if this amazing young collected woman with seven small children can make her own mayonnaise, I surely can, too. So I did! Not only that, but it makes the issue of finding the right mayonnaise for Passover. i.e., without kitniyot, or any trace of legumes, so much easier. Trust me.
The key to making this recipe is to use a small container and a hand-held blender. Dribble the oil in slowly. It makes all the difference. Note: this recipe uses raw egg. Make sure your egg is fresh and that the shell is clean. And remember to let it warm to room temperature before you use it.
1 large egg, room temperature
1 Tbsp mustard (optional)
1 Tbsp red or white wine vinegar
¼ tsp salt or more to taste
1 cup oil, neutral flavored (i.e., not olive oil)
1 tsp lemon juice (optional)
1 tsp garlic, minced (optional)
Using a hand blender or an immersion blender, whip the egg. Add mustard, vinegar, salt, garlic and lemon juice and mix again. Keep the blender on high while you slowly pour in the oil in small amounts. Mix until all oil is used up and the mayonnaise becomes beautifully creamed. If, for some reason, your mayonnaise does not become emulsified, try Julia Child’s trick: Mix an egg in a different bowl then slowly transfer the mayonnaise into the second bowl with the egg, whipping as you go.
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Decades ago I used to make mayonnaise, influenced by something my father once said:
"If you read the ingredients on the jarred stuff, you'll never want to eat any"
But the short shelf-life was a problem, and for the past decade plus we're watching our weight.
The sr citizen homes are "between a a rock and a hard place" in trying to protect the residents.